• info@amoredigi.com |
  • +91-9718029373

Hosting Purchase

Your website is a collection of files and databases that users see as they navigate it. Amoredigi , like most web providers, provides the resources for you to store this information and make it accessible.

When you sign up for Amoredigi managed hosting plan, you'll receive login information for the admin panel of your account. From it, you’ll be able to control your website, its hosting, domain, databases, files, and more.

A virtual private server (VPS) is a hybrid of shared hosting and dedicated server technology. Some people equate VPS hosting to living in an apartment building, while others compare it to renting a condo.

You share a server and its resources with a number of other websites when you use shared hosting. You're still sharing certain resources with a VPS, but its software is set up so that a single system serves as numerous dedicated servers, with each user having their own virtual server.

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